Whiting Hackle Breakdown: American Rooster

Whiting Hackle Breakdown: American Rooster

Today is all about Whiting American Rooster Saddles and Capes. I’ve been using these feathers for years, and I believe they’re an essential tool for tying streamers, especially when it comes to deceiver-style tails. If you’re looking for feathers that provide unmatched quality, consistency, and versatility, then Whiting American saddles and capes are where you …

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Whiting Hackle Breakdown: Selecting Dry Fly Hackle

Whiting Hackle Breakdown: Selecting Dry Fly Hackle

Making the final decision on which cape or saddle will be your next can be difficult, especially when trying to weigh the options from behind a computer screen. In this post, we’ll walk you through what considerations we have when choosing our own hackle. Hackle Quality and Grading: How Much Does it Really Matter? The …

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Whiting Hackle Breakdown: Dry Fly Colors and Phases

Whiting Hackle Breakdown: Dry Fly Colors and Phases

Today we’re diving into one of the more confusing yet essential aspects of Whiting dry fly hackle: color phases. Unintuitive color names like “badger” can be confusing, and determining which colors will work best with the bugs you want to imitate is not always straightforward. In this post, we’ll explore phases of color from common …

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Whiting Hackle Breakdown: Dry Fly Grading

Whiting Hackle Breakdown: Dry Fly Grading

If you’ve ever wondered what distinguishes a pro from a silver grade neck, you’re in the right place. We’re going to go over the factors that determine how Whiting grades their feathers and why those characteristics matter to the tyer. Factors that Determine Feather Grade Three key factors go into Whiting dry fly grading, with …

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Whiting Hackle Breakdown: Dry Fly Hackle Intro

Whiting Hackle Breakdown: Dry Fly Hackle Intro

Hackle is included on dry flies for both appearance and function. The hackle serves to imitate legs, and dun, spinner, or cripple wings depending on how they are tied in. Hackle is most commonly employed in one of three ways on a dry fly: wraps around the thorax, wraps around a parachute post, or as …

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