Madison River
Dam: 890 cfs
Kirby: 1080 cfs
The Upper Madison is in full swing, but fishing has been a little spotty due to high winds as of late. When the “W” has cooperated the dry fly bite has been really good, with yellow sallies, golden stones, caddis, PMDs, Epeorus, and even Grey Drakes being the top producers. Salmon Flies are pretty much done for the year, but we have seen a few still hovering around the wade section. Goldens are a little more prevalent from Lyon’s bridge on up, but the sallies are out in far greater numbers– One of the rainbows I landed two nights ago had sallies caked all over the inside of his mouth, which were between size 16 and 18. Caddis and PMDs have been popping from around 9:00 am to noon, and fish have definitely been looking up for them. If the wind picks up in the afternoon, you can still catch fish on dries, but you’ll do far better nymphing caddis larva/pupa/diving adults, PMD nymphs, soft hackles, and attractors like lightening bugs, prince nymphs, and red copper johns. The evening fishing has really picked up over the last few days, with caddis starting around 7:00 and Epeorus Spinners starting to fall around 9:00 pm, but fish have also been looking for golden stones around that time as well.