Madison River
Dam: 2,200 cfs
Kirby: 2,640 cfs
Varney: 3,470 cfs
The river is absolutely P-R-I-M-E. Quake went from brown to green, and thus, so too is the Upper Madison right now. With well over a foot of visibility, and plenty of holding water, NOW would be a good time to head up here to enjoy some great fishing before the mud starts coming through the lake all over again. We went down below Raynolds last night, and put an absolute whoopin’ on them with olive peanut envys and black sex dungeons. As usual, fish were either tight to the bank or in the deeper runs and pockets. We’ve also been getting good reports from the few anglers out here right now on the nymph bite. Sounds like all you needed yesterday was a pink san juan worm and an egg, but make sure to try rubberlegs, midges, and caddis larva as well. Between the lakes continues to fish well, but Cabin Creek is still pumping mud, so fishing has been better upstream to the dam rather than below.