Madison River
Dam: 1,230 cfs
Kirby: 1,320 cfs
Feels like Winter out there (probably because it is), but there is still plenty of good fishing and miles of solitude to be had. We are still fishing streamers with success in the wade section and between the lakes, but the fish are definitely a little more sluggish this week in response to colder water temperatures. Again, slow down your retrieves and work areas a little more than you’re used to and you could be rewarded with something truly large. Black tips up and black sex dungeons, olive peanuts, and tan Nancy Ps have been our most consistent producers, but many different streamers in similar colors will get the job done as well. Gray is another “sleeper” color that can be really good when the clouds are hovering overhead. Nymph fishermen will do best on smaller baetis nymphs and midges, but smaller rubberlegs are a good bet this time of year too. We are starting to see more redds out there so please be mindful when wading in areas with freshly cleared gravel– especially around Pine Butte, Three dollar bridge, between the lakes, and any river channels.