Nature’s Spirit Turkey Biot Quills


Nature’s Spirit Turkey Biot Quills are longer and more translucent than goose biots, making them ideal for segmented bodies on nymphs and dry flies.  You can tie a lot of flies with a pair of quills, as both sides of the stem are usable.  We use turkey biot quills for bodies on Kelly’s BWO nymph and mayfly cripple patterns, and each package comes with two quills per package.

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Nature’s Spirit Turkey Biot Quills are longer and more translucent than goose biots, making them ideal for segmented bodies on nymphs and dry flies.  You can tie a lot of flies with a pair of quills, as both sides of the stem are usable.  We use turkey biot quills for bodies on Kelly’s BWO nymph and mayfly cripple patterns, and each package comes with two quills per package.

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg

Muskrat Gray, Sulphur, Blue Winged Olive, Brown, Callibaetis, Gray Olive, Pale Morning Dun, Pink Cahill, Rusty Spinner, Tannish Yellow, Olive


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Nature’s Spirit Turkey Biot Quills
Nature’s Spirit Turkey Biot Quills
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