Whiting Dry Fly Cape – Pro – Grizzly #009


Whiting dry fly capes are the ultimate in dry fly tying. With long supple quills and incredible barb density capable of tying down to size 24 and even smaller, Whiting genetic dry fly hackle is the connoisseur’s choice for fly tying. This product line derives its heritage from the legendary Hoffman grizzly super hackle stock. Only Whiting Farms has this incredible genetic stock to offer you.


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When you purchase a Whiting dry fly cape you can rest assured that you are getting the ultimate hackle for tying dry flies. With long supple quills and incredible barb density capable of tying down to size 24 and even smaller, Whiting genetic dry fly hackle is the connoisseur’s choice for fly tying. This product line derives its heritage from the legendary Hoffman grizzly super hackle stock. Only Whiting Farms has this incredible genetic stock to offer you, and the bronze grade offers superior quality at an affordable price.

Genetic dry fly hackle has been in continuous development for over 50 years.  The earlier hackle pioneers, most notably the legendary Catskill fly tier Harry Darbee and Minnesota attorney Andy Minter, were the first devoted individuals who successfully raised and and genetically selected roosters to have better dry fly hackle.  Their stocks were the foundation for almost all genetic hackle lines today.  In 1988 Thomas Whiting finished his doctorate in poultry science and is the Spring of 1989 launched himself into the hackle business.  Starting with the well known Hoffman dry fly hackle line, he also introduced Darbee, Miner and other assorted stocks to broaden the color range and genetic foundation with which to work.  The fledgling company, Whiting Farms, rose during the 1990’s to become the dominant hackle company in the world.

After ten years of careful study, experimentation, and refinement of the genetic selection and husbandry systems essential for these demanding hackle stocks, the feather products from Whiting Farms have risen to new levels of quality.  Genetic progress has been ever accelerating and the unique environmental and nutritional requirements for realizing these genetic advances have been increasingly well defined by Dr. Tom and the exceptional staff at Whiting Farms. Purchasing a whiting dry fly cape is a privilege to the contemporary fly tyer and the result of years of hard work and experimentation.

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