Fishing Report for September 25th, 2010

Madison River Dam: 832 cfs Kirby: 871 cfs Indian Summer appears to have finally descended upon the Madison Valley, and with temperatures scheduled to hold in the mid-seventies through next week, it’s a great time to head out to the river for what is sure to be the last window of hoppertunity until next year. …

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Fishing Report for September 16th, 2010

Madison River Dam: 841 cfs Kirby: 903 cfs Its finally warming up out there, but it looks like another cold front is coming our way starting on Monday.  We’re not sure if its because of the flows have been stabilized out of Hebgen, but the upper river seems to have really turned on over the …

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Olive Peanut Envy Pound for pound, the olive envy has been our best producer throughout South West Montana over the last two weeks.  With the pre-spawn browns starting to put on their Halloween costumes, we see no reason why it should lose its spot anytime soon

Fishing Report for September 8th, 2010

Madison River Dam: 870 cfs Kirby: 937 cfs Its been a chilly first week of September in south west Montana, and it doesn’t look like its going to be getting any warmer out there for a while.  Flows were dropped 200 cfs on August 31st after a “school bus sized” boulder crushed three gates at …

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