Quigley’s Film Critic – Green Drake


The Film Critic is pure dry fly genius from the late Bob Quigley, and accurately imitates an emerging mayfly nymph at its most vulnerable state. Size 10.

SKU: 210000008003 Categories: ,


Quigley’s Film Critic is pure dry fly genius, and accurately imitates an emerging mayfly nymph at its most vulnerable state.  While other crippled emergers like last chance or captive dun styles are still highly effective, they can be very difficult to see if you are fishing in faster currents.  Quigley’s film critic adds boyancy and visibility without compromising profile by combining a hackle stacker with a forward Z-Lon wing on a scud hook.  This allows the fly to sit perfectly in the surface film while still allowing for easy strike detection, and is one of the most unique and effective emerger patterns we have ever found. .


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Quigley's Film Critic - Green Drake
Quigley’s Film Critic – Green Drake
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