Senyo’s Super Satin Chenille


Senyo’s Super Satin Chenille is a great new material this year coming from MFC. This is a great material for building bodies on smaller streamers.

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Senyo’s Super Satin Chenille is a great new material this year coming from MFC. This is a great material for building bodies on smaller streamers. Finally., a streamer chenille that is matte and not overly flashy. This material comes in a whole list of colors as well as three different sizes (10mm, 20mm, 30mm).

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Amber, Black, Brown, Chartreuse, Claret, Dark Olive, Shell Pink, Fl. Fire Red, Fl. Fushia, Grey, Hot Pink, Kingfisher Blue, Lt. Olive, Lt. Pink, Olive, Orange, Purple, Tan, White, Yellow, Dirty Yellow


10mm, 20mm, 30mm


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