Fishing Report for September 17th, 2011

Madison River Dam: 1,110 cfs Kirby: 1,180 cfs Varney: 1,300 cfs This week was one of the better ones we’ve had on the Upper Madison since the first week of August.  With the exception of yesterday afternoon, the streamer bite has ranged from really good to just plain out of control.  Fish have also looking …

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Fishing Report for September 7th, 2011

Madison River Dam: 1,010 cfs Kirby: 1,090 cfs Varney: 1,200 cfs It’s nice to see a little more water in the ditch, and word on the creek is that we can expect to see a little more coming out of the dam in the next week or so.  That being said, higher flows and colder …

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Fishing Report for June 2nd, 2011

Madison River Dam: 2,200 cfs Kirby: 2,640 cfs Varney: 3,470 cfs The river is absolutely P-R-I-M-E.  Quake went from brown to green, and thus, so too is the Upper Madison right now.  With well over a foot of visibility, and plenty of holding water, NOW would be a good time to head up here to …

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Fishing Report for May 14th, 2011

Madison River Dam: 1,200 cfs Kirby: 1,400 cfs Varney: 1,720 cfs A couple days worth of 60 degree temperatures finally got  Beaver and Cabin Creek rolling, and you can probably count on Cabin mudding up half the river for quite some time now.  That being said, fishing has been good in between the lakes, but …

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Fishing Report for October 22nd, 2010

Madison River Dam: 776 cfs Kirby: 850 cfs Fishing has been pretty good on the Upper Madison this week, and it should only get better as cloudy skies and winter snows descend upon the valley starting tomorrow.  With the bright sun and sixty degree temperatures this week, nymphs and streamers have been taking some really …

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Fishing Report for October 16th, 2010

Madison River Dam: 813 cfs Kirby: 882 cfs We had a great week of fishing on the ol’ Upper Madison this week, and very few people around to share it with.  Both Raynold’s and Three dollar have been very productive from a catching standpoint on all three fronts– Nymphs, Dries, and Streamers.  Nymphing continues to …

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Fishing Report for October 8th, 2010

Madison River Dam:  832 cfs Kirby: 882 cfs Well it took a little longer than we anticipated, but it is safe to say that Fall is finally here, and all the good things that come with it.  The blue wings have been out in force when the clouds have moved in, and we’ve had some …

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Olive Peanut Envy Pound for pound, the olive envy has been our best producer throughout South West Montana over the last two weeks.  With the pre-spawn browns starting to put on their Halloween costumes, we see no reason why it should lose its spot anytime soon

Fishing Report for August 28th, 2010

Madison River Dam: 1,030 cfs Kirby: 1,190 cfs Fishing has been a little “iffy” on the ol’ Upper Madison these days.  One day the hopper fishing is great, and the next day its just plain brutal.  Ants and beetles have been a little more consistent, but still far from on fire.  Most of our bugs …

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Fly of the Week

Black/Olive Double Screamer With the low visibility we’ve been having, the combination of the darker silhouette put out by the olive and black marabou with the flash of silver ice dub body have made the ol’ black and olive double screamer a deadly fly on the Madison this week.

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