Madison River
Dam: 1,050 cfs
Kirby: 1,180 cfs
Varney: 1,390 cfs
The Upper Madison is still a good bet right now, but the bite has started to slow down a bit after 2:00 p.m… especially up high. For the dry fly guys out there, we are starting to see more and more nocturnal stone shucks showing up on the rocks below the West Fork Bridge every day now, and you will certainly see that number increasing ever steadily the farther one heads downstream. We are also seeing good numbers of caddis popping in the morning, as well as Eperous, craneflies, and even a few yellow sallies still fluttering around so there is plenty of opportunity out there until the afternoon water temps start to creep into the high 60’s or so. While you may still have a few interested fish looking up during this time frame, you will do far better by getting down to their level and searching out faster seams and buckets during the heat of the day– Small caddis larva/pupa, $3 Dips, psycho princes, epeorus emergers, #8-10 Pat’s Rubber legs, and midges have all been good choices as of late. Evening caddis is still going strong, and along with the Eperous Spinner falls, continues to be the most consistent dry fly action in the wade section from 7:00 p.m.. until dark…as usual, tan X-Caddis, Butch Caddis, and Midget Caddis continue to be the top producers trailing a #14-16 Rusty Spinner off the back. If for some reason you can’t get them to look up, drop a small diving caddis about 12″-16″ off your dry and you should do well.