Madison River
Dam: 804 cfs
Kirby: 850 cfs
Varney: 984 cfs
Just a reminder that the Upper Madison between Quake Lake and McAtee Bridge as well as from Ennis Bridge to Ennis Lake is closed to all fishing until May 16th.
It’s looking like another week filled with Spring temperatures and very tolerable winds. The Madison between the lakes is fishing well with nymphs and we are starting to see more rainbows creeping into the system with each passing day. It’s still not crazy yet in terms of numbers of fish and people alike, but it should start to really get going here in the next couple of weeks. Small Pat’s Rubber Legs, eggs in oregon cheese and orange, Zebras, PT’s, $3 dips, red brassies (there’s just something about red up there in the Spring), and baetis nymphs should all be in the rotation right now. Streamers such as small sculpin imitations and leech patterns tend to do better on numbers of fish up there, but don’t be afraid to throw something with a little more substance if you are looking for the one. If floating is more your style, then you’ll be glad to know that all the ramps below McAtee are open, and it sounds like the lower river has been fishing well with nymphs as well. Rubber Legs, San Juans, and small Mega Princes are always a good bet this time of year, and be sure to bring your midge box in case some heads start poking up in the slower moving tail outs. As water temps start to hit the low 40 degree mark around 3:00 p.m., you should start to see fish move a little more for streamers. Some of our favorite patterns below Varney this time of year include peanut envys, CH barely legals, and sex dungeons but smaller sculpin patterns such as Trevor’s, shiela, and sculpzillas can be code crackers if they are just nosin’ the bigger stuff.