Madison River
Dam: 1,030 cfs
Kirby: 1,150 cfs
Varney: 1,350 cfs
The Upper Madison has been a little more finicky lately that we are used to seeing this time of year, but a lot of that depends on what section you are on. For the most part, the wade section between Quake and Lyons Bridge has been the most consistent and nymphs or streamers have been the name of the game. We are still getting quite a few eats on hoppers and ants on these nice afternoons, but the subsurface action has been the way to go if you are looking to rack up some numbers. Small baetis nymphs, serendipities, caddis larva, RS-2’s and midge larva have been the top producers for us under the indicator, while barely legals, dungeons, and boogie men have our go-to streamer patterns. The fishing below Lyon’s has been a little more day-to-day for the last week, but that should turn back around any day now.