This will be our first year hosting trips on the famous Missouri River near Craig, MT.. If you have never fished the mighty MO below Holter Dam, then this is a great opportunity to experience an incredible fishery without the crowds that descend upon it a few months later. While the nymph fishing can be extraordinary any time of year, April and May are great months for hunting pods of rising fish with midge clusters, BWOs, and March Browns. If dry flies are your passion then look no further…The Spring hatches on the Missouri routinely provide some of the finest dry fly fishing you’ll find anywhere in the country. And last but not least, the streamer fishing during April and May can be some of the best of the year. The Missouri’s incredible food base provides anglers with the chance at truly large browns and rainbows, and we know how to target these fish as well as anyone in the business. If you are interested in booking a trip with us, please contact the shop at (406) 682-4804 and Kelly or John will be able to set you up with both lodging and dining information. Since we announced this a month ago in our weekly newsletter, trips have been booking up a lot quicker than we had anticipated so be sure to reserve your spot sooner than later.