Madison River
Dam: 785 cfs
Kirby: 850 cfs
Fishing has been very good throughout the Upper River this week. Nymphs are still your best best for numbers, and we have had a lot of good reports on baetis nymphs/emergers, $3 Dips, Midges, and Pat’s Rubber legs from customers over the last few days. We have also been getting a lot of dry fly activity in the afternoons for the better part of a month now. Most of the surface activity seems to be between 1:00-4:00 p.m., and fish have been rising steadily to both Pseudos and BWOs in the familiar slicks and tail-outs of the Madison. Streamer fishing is still producing some of the larger fish in both the wade and float sections, as well as the section between the lakes– Articulated patterns such as Kelly’s Sex Dungeons, Boogie Men, Silk Kitties, and Peanut Envys have all had good success as of late. If you do plan on heading out to the river over the next month or two, please be sure to watch out for spawning redds, and remember that it is always better to walk in front of them rather than behind.