Madison River
Dam: 851 cfs
Kirby: 959 cfs
Varney: 1,180 cfs
Well it had it happen sooner or later, but true Fall temperatures have finally descended upon the Madison Valley. This seems to have only helped the bite over the last week, and the Upper Madison has been fishing well on all fronts. Nymph rigs are still the way to go for numbers, and Pat’s Rubber legs, Midges, Baetis nymph/emergers, and small serendipities have all been producing under the indicator. On most afternoons you can still encounter a fairly decent BWO hatch throughout the upper river, and the emergence seems to be holding steady anytime between noon and 2:30 p.m.. Streamer fishing has picked up a lot, especially on the Madison in the Park as well as between Hebgen and Quake. We mentioned in our last fishing report that we still haven’t seen a lot of redds between the lakes, but that has definitely changed since the weather moved in last week. That being said…PLEASE watch your step out there, as we are seeing more redds popping up with each passing day. Our best streamer patterns continue to be olive/white barely legals, natural, olive, and black sex dungeons, peanut envys, and double screamers in olive/black, yellow and white.